Every once in a while we get questions on what we use on and around the plants. It’s important that they eat and drink, just like we do. Here’s our go-to’s.

It takes 1-2 hours a day, or every other day depending on the temperature, to water the plants. Since we have so many different containers, it’s been difficult to automate. But, we’ve found a benefit in casting our shadow on the soil daily. It helps us catch a lot of problems before they get out of hand. And it’s honestly, a peaceful way to end the day. We may also be known for singing to the plants, while we water. Maybe even with a dance step or two.

We tend to weed daily as we water, and it never becomes too much of a problem. We only have the random bird seed dropped here and there anyway. We also take one Saturday a month to clean up, trim, re-stake, tie up, or whatever else the plants need at the time. This takes about 4-5 hours in peek growing season.

Although the brand may vary, based on what is available and where we are purchasing, all our plant food is organic. With a hefty dose of compost thrown in there. We currently have 3 large compost bins in the garden, in varying states of readiness. We compost the earth before planting anything new, and we fertilize every 4-6 weeks.

It’s all done to keep the plants happy, because happy plants make a lot of food. Sometimes even a good pep talk helps them. That being said, we can’t really control how it all grows, or how much a plant produces or doesn’t. But we’ve found, showing up and doing our part in it, is enough