Transpiration. It’s the movement of water within the plant, and it’s evaporation through leaves, stems and flowers.

It’s pretty much feeling like 105 degrees during the day now, in North Texas. So, when the squash looks a bit wilty in the hottest parts of the day, sun beating down, the temptation is to add more water. But, we don’t. Because we know water evaporates way too quickly this time of day and it can be extremely wasteful. Even in drip and soaker irrigation. We also know our plants get a good watering every evening, and they can soak it up all night long, so they are getting watered enough.

But the plants are so intricately designed that they know, if they decrease leaf surface area, leaf transpiration decreases and they can stay more hydrated until the sun passes and shade returns.

First photo was taken at 3:30 in the afternoon. Second, 6:30pm, after they’ve had shade for about 45 minutes. No water has been added at this point, and the leaves have increased their surface area again.

We think that’s pretty cool. And a showy display of life’s intricate and ordered details.