We don’t talk much about what goes “wrong” in the garden. Not because it doesn’t happen. Because it does.

[We lost a pea plant to some unknown cause. We are taking out caterpillars right and left - off cabbage, kale, beans, and even spinach. We have animals following their natural desire to feed themselves, and eating food that’s not meant for them. And there may be some squash bugs on the scene as well. We are still looking. 👀]

And all that? It can make us feel like we are getting absolutely nowhere.

But if we focus on this and don’t lift our eyes to the still beautiful and miraculous, wouldn’t we lose our desire to do all of this? Gardening, farming, urban farming, whatever you call it? It’s hard. Not for the faint of heart. Some days are more battles than wins. But there are wins. And we choose to focus on those - like the miraculous growth of baby eggplants. Because everything else? It’s just a distraction from joy and need not be highlighted.